Today is the deadline for her Twitter book, but Danish entrepreneur Natasha Saxberg is impressively un-flustered. The manuscript is more or less ready, and she’s time for a quick chat about what makes Twitter work so well as a business tool.
“The border between the internal and external operations of an organisation is melting away…the big potential here is for a company to get out there with product development and talk to the customer before it launches a product, listen to what the customer has to say and learn and innovate from that.”
These are Natasha’s tips for connecting with customers via Twitter:
1. People relate to people not organisations so make your profile as natural as possible.
2. Be confident. Remember the format for Twitter is simple: everyone has something to contribute.
3. Be completely aware of your reasons for using Twitter: is it to listen? To learn?
4. Find role models. Seek out people who share your interests and follow them. Ask yourself what is it about their updates that makes them interesting.
5. Choose some subjects that really interest you, that you really ‘burn’ for, and focus on these – that way you’ll sound more passionate and others will connect with you more.
Natasha’s book on Twitter is due out soon; unfortunately it’s in Danish, but if you’d like to find out more about her work (in English), you can follow her on Twitter and/ or visit her blog.